"A band formed in 1988 that brought bass sounds to the fore with members of Iconicide, Drugs of Faith and SNFU. Basically it is HC, but it is a metamorphosis sound that I do not think of as an American band by listening to a little strange listening that incorporates elements of slash metal and punk rock!"
"Formed in NYC in 1988, ICONICIDE is two songs that agitate with the addition of THRASH and METAL essence to the brutal NYHC. The GRAVEYARD SCHOOL singer Kim Kaos is participating as a guest vocalist." from review of MATINEE IN A RATHOLE, Ratgirl Records 2021.
“Iconicide - Engine Of Apocalypse This is not your typical punk band in musical terms. This is not even typical apocalyptic punk. Rather than warning about the downfall of civilization, it is a celebration of the inevitable, both intimate and cataclysmic. Aside from metal, punk and hardcore, Chris grew up on Motown, soul, old time big bands and crooners and even polka. If you listen to Iconicide’s music as closely as their lyrics you couldn’t accurately say they limit themselves to a single genre as their diverse influences spill into their formula. Add gruff vocals with harsh, brutal lyrics described as “scorched earth blues” and you have the logical progression of 90s street punk that, while being calamitous and ill-boding, breaks its mold and creates its own subgenre. Iconicide goes beyond this. “Engine of Apocalypse” demands to be heard and mulled over during many a sleepless night. And will make you want to hear more.”
“Iconicide – Give Me Extinction Or Give Me Death To cut directly to the chase, there aren’t many ways to pigeonhole Iconicide - nor should one attempt to. They are an entity unto themselves, forever teetering the tightrope between the outer fringe and the abyss. Compromise? Not in their vocabulary or mission statement. But on other fronts, this release is one of their most listenable releases, half studio, half live, and the whole project dedicated to the memory of bassist Shane Keogh. If you want to see what unflinching devotion to unfiltered musical malignancy sounds and looks like, you’ve found ground zero.”
“Give Me Extinction Or Give Me Death! Is Iconicide’s eighth full length CD, and their twenty-first release since their inception in 1988. Be forewarned before reading on: this is in no way a college pop-punk band. If that’s what you’re looking for you should look elsewhere because this album offers nothing sweet or pleasant regarding society today. It’s a vision of America from the point of view of an angry punk whose environment growing up was abandoned squat houses, junkies and police brutality. Add the systematic gentrification of the city and the increase of media spin and you’ll get a band whose resolve has been bolstered to oppose the current status quo... If you like Crass, The Exploited, Discharge and Nihilistics you should give this band a listen. It’s a call to arms for those of you who are still thinking, not being lulled into complacency, and one of the most important hardcore albums to come out in years.”
Dave Wolff - Auto Erotic Asphyxium Zine
“plus a new disc from Iconicide to check out with some legendary NYC sluggers along the lines of Nausea (band) ☢ UNSANE ☢ Orange 9mm ☢ and more from that new Meantime Redux that Magnetic Eye Records put out last week”
KRBX/KEOL's Rabble Rouser Show
“On Iconicide's album, "Give Me Extinction Or Give Me Death!" “Totally convinced Iconicide haven't lost one ounce of vitality since they began this journey Eons ago; aside from the overall performance, it’s Chris (the Antimessiah)’s vision and message that’s the thread of commonality between the tunes (and repertoire). Any ‘band’ can make a great sounding recording - Choose a style: Hardcore, Speedcore, Death Metal, Big Band Jazz ... whatever; Iconicide stands on its own. Sure, there are ‘subconscious influences’, but the music, and arrangements come from the HEART. Again, Mario's drumming really shines - especially on ‘Higher Self’, and ‘Crime and Punishment’; ‘Trust Fund Junkie’ has a nice ‘bluesy feel to it!!! In sum... ‘Get in the tank soldier, let me take you for a joyride; You'll get out when I say you do’ - That's Iconicide to me.””
"Iconicide Jesus Corpse: D.N.R. (LIVE) What a confusing CD... absolutely speechless."
"Bout Fucking Time - 1988-2008: The First Twenty Years" **** NYC underground mainstays Iconicide celebrates 20 years of causing a ruckus from below with their subversive mix of NYHC chaos, anarchistic rock tendencies, lo-fi metal belligerence, and caustic punk abrasiveness on Bout Fucking Time. This 13-track affair explores this nonconformist squad’s dastardly mix of snarling guitar riffs, furious drums, and rabid vocal rants, sounding as if unearthed from the catacombs of the abyss (“Name Your Price”, “Biochipped”). Crustily non-PC and completely unapologetic, Iconicide’s slanted sociopolitical stance and unadulterated utter reckless abandon is intentionally sloppy at times and drips with every undesirable nuance of the Big Apple, rendering a welcomed reprieve from the cleanliness and clarity of modern music that sonically socks you in the jaw with the shock of a suckerpunch from behind.